domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014


Every student has wondered at least once what he or she is going to do when he finishes the degree. I want to interview an engineering student who is about to finish his degree. His name is Javier Ortega and he studies systems engineering at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

Question: -Why did you decide to study an engineering four years ago?
Answer:-Since I was a child I enjoyed a lot studying math and physics in the school, and I am very interested in the technology and micro-technology so I decided that this engineering was the best option for me. I don’t imagine myself studying other thing. Also because I am bad at memorizing things so I wouldn’t be able to study something like history or civil law.

Q: - During these years, have you had any difficulty with this degree?
A: -Actually yes, I had some difficulties and I also still having them. You have to be a very hardworking person if you want to be an engineer and it requires long hours of studying, calculating, practicing... Although I like this kind of knowledge some subjects are too difficult.

Q: -Nowadays everybody talk about economic crisis and joblessness in Spain. Are you afraid of that? Do you know what you’re going to do the next year?
A: -Like the most of spanish people I am also afraid of not be able to find a job. This year I finish my degree and I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do next. I have already take a look for some jobs and I have noticed how important is to speak English fluency. I have a good English level but I am not sure if it’s enough. If next year I don’t find any job, probably I will spend several months in a foreign country just to learn more English.

Q: -What advices would you give to everyone who wants to study engineering?
A:- I always say that if you want something you have to work hard to get it. As I said before I think that if you want to be an engineer (aerospace, mechanic, electronic…) you need to spend a lot of hours studying. Sometimes you will have to spend whole days until you have a big headache and it won’t be enough but if you really like it you don’t have to stop working and give it up. Everything is possible if you are a hardworking person.

1 comentario:

  1. I liked the interview you've done, see experiences of others who also study engineering like us, but at another university; what he thinks and the advice that can give. Great job!
