martes, 8 de abril de 2014

 Assertiveness is used to describe a communication style that is respectful of others but clear and firm in intent. When you communicate assertively, you communicate honestly but appropriately. We have to explain the style of each one each example and we must correct the speech. Been assertive is an attitude that is between been aggressive and been passive.
Passive people are who respect people around them but don’t respect themselves. On the other hand, aggressive people are who doesn’t respect the opinion of the people around them.
The most correct attitude is the assertiveness and we have this attitude when we listen to the opinion of the other people, we respect them, but we also take into account our own opinion.
When you are assertive you can:

-Express your own thoughts, feelings and needs
-Make reasonable requests of other people (while accepting their right to say ‘no’)
-Stand up for your own rights
-Say ‘no’ to requests from others at times, without feeling guilty

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